
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Philosophy of Nursing - Personal Statement useAdditionally, I worked as a nurse as I studied. The experience gained through practice has make me recognize numerous programs that are essential in preparation of patients towards medication services. In addition to taught skills, I conduct acquired extra knowledge that has enhanced my treat expertise. For instance, education and practice have equipped me with clinical leadership and professional research skills. These are vital skills in the nursing profession and healthcare planning (Sharon, 2003). I have also acquired exceptional abilities and skills in the design, organization, and implementation of goals and objectives in healthcare provision. These skills focus primarily on the provision of nursing services to patients. Furthermore, nursing profession has directed my scientific and artistic expertise towards qualitative and quantitative provision of healthcare. The expertise and experience acquired within the 20 year-period ha s broadened my knowledge in nursing practice. However, it is vital for me to highlight my career objectives and mission in the nursing profession. Therefore, this essay aims to explain my future career objectives and mission in the nursing profession. Moreover, it aims to support my philosophical dispositions in primary healthcare provision. Harmlessness Essentially, it is crucial to account that there should never be harm in the provision of primary healthcare and nursing services. ... Therefore, it is my financial obligation as a nurse to exercise absolute care towards my clients well-being. Notably, the attitude towards the public and clients should be fond(p) and caring. It is appropriate to assess the conditions of clients through the establishment of all issues that relate to pitying beings. For instance, it is vital to communicate with patients appropriately. This tail end only be achieved through proper channeling of messages to be communicated to patients (Sharon, 200 3). Nurses are expected to conduct therapeutic procedures unavoidable to identify conditions that need stabilization. They are expected to examine the outcomes of therapeutic actions in order to accomplish the goals of enhancement of well-being of clients. Over the years of nursing practice, I have learnt that delivery of healthcare is in itself a cause of death in many countries. The delivery of healthcare services is sometimes enshrined with the possibility of human error that can result into death. Errors can result from both commission and omission because of loopholes in correct of conditions that can be treated and solved. Injuries and eventual deaths can occur because of such blunders (Philips and Bredder, 2002). Nosocomial infections are seeming to occur in hospitals in cases where health practitioners do not disinfect and clean their hands in front handling patients. Therefore, the safety of patients is essential in hospitals. The protection of patients requires mainte nance of basic safety standards. Several researches have indicated that errors in the prescription of medication increase the number of fatalities in hospitals (Swanson, 1993). Data have shown

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