
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Memories of My Melancholy Whores by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay

Memories of My Melancholy Whores by Gabriel Garcia Marquez - raise ExampleAs far as the ages of the two characters are concerned it is more than the gap of a father and daughter. Can a gallant father indulge in wild love with his grand daughter? Then, what is love? That is what the creator of the novel has attempted to establish throughout the work. Thus the word sad whores is best suitable term that fits right to express the authors experience of a tearful joy.Lust is the dais on which love has to be decorate and admired. Unfortunately the empty dais is adorned everywhere. Love is caring. Anything associated with caring is love but how lust is construed as something connected with love? It is course an instinct prevalent in all beings that is meant for mutual attraction. Gabriel Garcia Marquez in his Memoirs of My Meloncholy Whores has splendidly marked this difference. To bring or so the contrast into the light he has prudently selected a love of an elderly old man travel in love with a young girl that too a whore. A perfect filling to highlight the contrast is personified by the age gap of the lead characters in the fiction. Gabriel put that lust is strictly biological for which he portrayed the unnamed protagonist of the fiction to pay for every experience of his sexy experience. Can one love his pair of shoes, which carries its owner throughout its life? Then how the male prevalent society pretends to have loved women who are considered objects of desire? It is utterly mean and non-altruistic. Gabriel in the fiction has quiet hinted this apparent contradiction in any society.Gabriels conventional style of telling stories not in first person is purposefully over ruled in this case of Memoirs of My Meloncholy Whores. The narrator of this story has been presumption the complete right to wield his bold stick of tearing the masquerade of the society that cunningly lauds muliebrity hood and

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