
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Brief a Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brief a Case - assignment ExampleThe injuries occurred from falling scales that toppled because of the explosion of fireworks in a bag that were dropped by Long Island Railway employee. Palsgraf sued the line company for the conduct of its employees that resulted to the passenger dropping his package. The trial hail and the immediate appellate courts ruled in favor of Palsgraf citing negligence (Cardozo 1).The appeals court rescinded the decision of the trial courts citing that negligence is not a tort unless the taint is foreseeable. The legal questions raised in this case were How is the duty of care owed determined? and To who does a party owe the duty of care? The appeals court held that the defendant owes a duty of care only to the individuals who are in the realistically predictable zone of danger (Cardozo 1).The case number 11 CV 0445 Wilson Sporting Goods come with, the Appellant, vs. Edwin Hickox and Lisa Hickox, the Appellee, was fixed on January 31, 2013. In the prev ious history of this case, the appellee, Hickox, was wounded while wearing a Wilson Sporting Goods telephoners mask. Hickox brought liability case against the company and won in the trial court. In this case, Wilson Sporting Goods Company appealed citing that Hickox and his wife presented expert testimony that was devoid of acceptable basis and that the evidence was not sufficient (Fisher et al. 1).The appeals court held the decision of summary judgement to Medtronic citing that the company was liable for injuries caused to Hickox for negligent and defective design, failure to warn and the entrancement of indirect warranty of the applicability of the item for a particular resolution (Fisher et al. 1). The court awarded Mr. Hickox $750, 000 and Lisa Hickox, his wife $25, 000. The simple question was whether the evidence presented by the expert was adequate. Pursuant to Jones

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