
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Advanced Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advanced Organizational Behavior - Essay ExampleMost latterly and after thorough research, various findings were noted and this trend of treating human labor as machines gradually started changing. This has guide to contemporary approaches the recognize and appreciate the human labor by taking into consideration their needs and emotions as paramount elements that need to be managed effectively (Cooper & Barling, 2008, p. 127).According to French (2011, p. 143), the contemporary approaches are concerned with the increment and growth of people towards achievement of higher levels of creativity, competency and fulfillment since these people are the principal option of any organization. This approach helps the employees to become better regarding work terms and responsible as it tries to create a conducive environment in which people can fully contribute in order to mend their abilities. People in an organization acquire diverse motivation and needs that are of high concern. in t hat location is the innate potential of people to be creative, predictive, independent and capable of effectively contributing positively to the objectives and functions of the organization.The focal point has realized that businesses are social systems that have both emotional and psychological factors have a epochal influence on productivity. Best performance can only be improved through impregnable human relations and proper organizational behavior. Managers nowadays consult employees in matters that affect the staff. The staff is alike allowed to take part in various decision-making processes in the organization through their representatives (Knights & Willmont, 2007, p. 51). Various staff unions have been allowed in organizations and they act as the main voice for the staff. It is fully responsible for negotiating on behalf of the staff. Grievances by the staff are also channeled through these staff unions. This brings about harmonization at the work and best systems are p ut in place to ensure best relations between the staff and the managers (Martin& Fellenz, 2010, p. 147).

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