
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Prison Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Prison agriculture - Essay ExampleRecommendations aimed at removing these distresses so that the inmates could become a healthy part of the destitute society. Key words Prison culture, inmate subculture, isolated world, case studies. Introduction Culture as defined in Oxford Dictionary tells that it is the ideas, customs, and social bearing of a particular people or society. Therefore the term Prison Culture refers to the ideas, customs and behavior of the prison community. In this world, there have always been two types of humans either they are free to do what they desire or they are inside the bars not allowed to go their well. Culture hence also becomes divided into two types the culture of free humans and the culture of prisoners. The paper aims at describing the later(prenominal) type. Prison Culture is the net combined behavior of the inmates of a prison. The paper has attempted to analyze the prison culture after studying the ways in which the prisoners react. Prison Culture can be surpass understood keeping in view an expanded volume of gas where there are atoms often wandering here and there, with no destiny, with no desire, with no ambition. They are scattered and same is the situation with prisoners. comparable the atoms, they have no ideals to abide by. There is a sort of confusion prevailing everywhere. Prison Culture is without a well defined social structure. ... The norms and values of prisons are either not seen or totally different from those of the outside society. Every day inside the prison is the Day of Judgment where everyone tries to get his helping not bothering for anyone else. Prison Culture is therefore a totally different culture (Clemmer, 1958). Statement Of enigma Prison hurts the human psychologically. The fact adds to the troubles of the inmates and creates problems in the inmate-to-inmate relations. Prison encourages the institution of government to practice to a greater extent and more degrading environments. Ov ercrowding in the prisons adds to the aggressive behavior of the inmates. This is the main cause of the prison culture being misfortunate and weak in the sense. It has been noted that the change magnitude is the population inside the prison, the increased is the ratio of violence and shout between prisoners and the prison staff. It means that the larger is the number of prisoners, the more aggressive is the Prison Culture. This fact in turn increases the volume of punishment inside the prison. Public prisons are more populated than the individual(a) and the possible action is proved that in private prisons, the rate of violence and punishment is quite lower than the public prison (Steiner, 2009). The growth of privatized prisons is yet another problem. This is because of the worsening of the prison culture as regards the public prison. Also private prison is more economical for the state than the public prison. The risk of violence is in turn increased by the under-staffing. Si nce the increase in staff strength increases the burden on government exchequer, it hesitates to do so and the prison culture is thus influenced (Taylor, 2008). Guard-prisoner relationship is always of extreme importance for the prison

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